almost-sane's Diaryland Diary


Many, Many Events

I'm a crappy subject for my readers these days and for that, I apologize.

I had a great weekend. Friday night, I was all set to pass the fuck out. I was exhausted having stayed up half the night worrying about my father on an airplane. Me + airplanes = gutwrenching fear. You might recall entries about my previous travels and I do equally as well with loved ones in the air. But my favorite Aunt called to chat when I got home from work and when we put our heads togethere, it's pretty likely something crazy will come out of it.

We ended up at this sensational little restaurant on Ventura Blvd. called The Great Greek. It was really fun. The food was amazing and they play music and dance up and down the aisles- even out onto the street just outside the restaurant. It's a crack-up.

On Saturday I met my mom and brother at the mall and got my Adidas Uggs in black at long last (do not mock me, monkeys).

Saturday night, I hit the party I've been most dreading for weeks since all this drama with Brandy and Rory started. Brandy supposedly hates me for cock-blocking her on New Year's eve from Grant (whom she is now dating anyway) and Rory hates me for giving out his blog address to Steve where he write mean shit about him (well, fuck you Rory, it's on the internet and all our friends read it and you use our NAMES in it, you pinhead- it's not a secret from anyone we know). Long stories, obviously.

Regardless, again, long story short, I had a good time. I was lucky Matt & Loren showed up early and then even more fortunate when Matt, Todd, and James came later. I love my boys. Fabulous lot, are they.

I met an adorable lad named Dorian- sensational kisser- we got caught in the act, sorta:

I spent the later parts of the night with him, cuddling, smooching, chatting, and what not, but it's so sad to meet someone you click with so well who lives so far away (well, San Francisco anyway). I did like him a lot.

Sunday I slept entirely too late and went to James' at 5 or 6. The two of us recruited Matt and his roommate, Kel, to play Scene It, a movie trivia board game and that was tremendous fun. You gotta try it.

I was a zombie again on Monday, having stayed up so late Sunday with the gang and the game, and Tuesday as well. I think I am still playing catch-up from the weekend, last Thursday included.

I spoke the Ryan last night. Ryan is my ex from U of A. The first college boyfriend I had. God he was a beautiful specimen of man. He was tall and broad and had this deep, deep manly voice. We met in the musical theatre dept. (yes, there were heteros!) and when he sang, the Earth shook. When we danced slow dances, he sang softly into my ear and I died a little on the inside- how do you handle that kind of gush?

Oh God, when he and I broke up for good, that was when I befriended Adam- I was so sick over it for a while. But we became friends eventually and then inseperable best friends. United in our eventual hatred of the theatre program (they kicked me out, he left it) but then I transferred to NYU, we lost touch, and so it goes.

I finally tracked him down all these years later and there I was last night, talking to him on the phone! ACK! And how the fuck did he live all of like 6 blocks from me last year and I never ran into him? And now he is back in Arizona. Figures. BUT! He will be out here next week and we are going out! I am so excited I can hardly wait (no really, I can hardly wait. I need it to be next Tuesday, like, NOW).

I want him to dance with me and sing softly in my ear. You think I can talk him into doing that in a public place?

3:49 P.M. - 02.02.05


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