almost-sane's Diaryland Diary



I will stand hear whilst you all pelt me with your dirty socks.

I am apologize for my 3 week hiatus but I am glad if you missed me. If you didn't miss me... well... DROP TO YOUR FRIGGIN' KNEES AND BEG FORGIVENESS! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU???

Kidding! I'm kidding!

Perhaps you are wondering what I've been up to? Sadly, very little. I didn't get that job- not that I wanted it all that badly and I have yet to even touch any of my new DVD's. But only Garden State and Lion King as K. has conveniently forgotten to pick up any discounted discs for me. He's a pain in the ass.

Oh, my roomate, the ruler of "Land of Pains in the Asses" or however one would most empahtically state that.

His Christmas tree stayed up in the living room until January 20th or so. He paid for it, he brought it in, he promised me it would be gone before January 6th... Did you know a Christmas tree can actually start to STINK when it gets old?

He does not do dishes. For weeks. And I refuse- REFUSE- to do them for him anymore. Which means for some periods, I seriously have no dishes to use. It's heinous smelling and looking in our kitchen on a semi-regular basis.

K. does not take out the trash but he contributes it twice as much as I do.

What a waste of electricity. When he is home, the lights are on in every room. And when he goes to bed, they stay on. He figures I'll turn them off. Or when I get home. And god fobid I don't come home that night or until really late... Do you know what a thermador is? He leaves for work after me and the total and utter tool he is-- he leaves ours on ALL DAY. I live in fear every day now that when I come home, we will have NO HOME to come home to because our building was built in, like, 1943 and you leave an old thing like that on and, fuck me, our building will probably explode if you keep at it enough... Schmuck.

Don't get me started on his laundry-- or do. He keeps it on the floor. In a heep. And he's probably washed his sheets once, if at all, since we've moved in (2/16/04). I don't think he remembers that the dishtowels are his. So I wash them.

The toilet. Ew. He doesn't remember to flush 100% of the time. I won't go into detail.

He has 3 week worth of unopened mail on the kitchen table. How does this not bother a person? I suppose it shouldn't bother me if it doesn't bother him. But so help me if anything in there results in my power being shut of (don't worry- I look through it all the time)...

And he has no money. He owes me about $50 right now and counting. But that doesn't stop his DVD collection from gorwing. Not that I've ever seen him watvh a DVD. In fact, I've seen K. about 12 minutes in the last 16 days. I've been keeping track. We have a new tenant in our building. She moved in right before New Year's and she just met K. a week ago. Up until then, she thought I lived alone.

Oh sure, I'm sure he has his complaints about me. I mean, I smoke (outside only) and I'm sure the smell follows me inside a bit. I have long, dark hair and it does get all over the place. I talk on the phone a lot and I wear heels that clip-clop on our hard-wood floors...

Here is the thing: I own 90% of the furniture, when there is cleaning to be done, I do it 94% of the time, and I am the only one who takes out the trash or puts away dishes. He's never been responsible for the maintenance reuqests or dealing with the management company and when we moved in, I had the phones, power, cable, and gas set up for us. When we have parties, I arrange everything (including for his birthday party and mine). So, I believe, I have officially earned and reserved my rights to complain.

And not to sound malicious eithere, because I have a great sense of humor about it all. K. is the most passive person you've ever met and since he is home about 7 and a half minutes a week, I do get to have my own 2 bedroom apartment to myself as a fringe benefit of putting up with him.

[SIGH] Well, I feel better. Who needs a beer?

11:39 A.M. - 01.27.05


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