almost-sane's Diaryland Diary


Friday, Saturday, Sunday... Happy Days

I thoroughly enjoyed my snack of milk and chocolate chip cookies today. Much thanks to Myra for the supply. She is like my junk food dealer. Damn her for ruining my diet but praise her for the sugary goodness.

My bed is way too comfy.

This is getting to be a problem in the mornings. I cannot get out of bed. It's not for some normal reason like depression or fear or agoraphobia. I just am way too damned comfortable, I tell you. I have Egyptian cotton jersey knit sheets, I have the comforter from heaven and the blanky (my binky) from heaven- my great-grandma made it for me when I was "this big." If I'm uber-cold, I pull up the red chenille binky my mom got me for Hannukah a couple years ago. Now that thing is amazing. That is my couch binky.

I have two pillows that could use replacing but I fear relacing them may result in two pillows not nearly as perfect. And I have the flannel body pillow against the wall- I am convinced this makes me feel somewhere in my sob-cockles that there is another body in the bead even though it's quite obvious the thing is half-empty, but fuck it all to hell what is true and what I like to fantasize about. And I am now up to two MOGU pillows.

My friends, if you have not discovered MOGU, do yourself a favor and check these squishy pillows of joy out.

I buy them as gifts for everyone now when I can't come up with something more "personal" and they've been a whopping, smashing success.

Guess what dad got for Hannukah? Guess what great-grandma is getting for her 102nd birthday? Hey, at 102, you gotta enjoy comfort...

This past weekend, I rediscovered religion. I went to a Shabbat service on Friday night because once a month, a local temple hold a young singles themed service and a friend pursuaded me. Ironically, this particular sercice ran late and we couldn't attend the mingling afterwards. Regardless, I found myself, SHOCKINGLY, quite moved by the service. Am I rediscovering the Jew in me? Stay tuned.

Saturday night, James, Matt, James' awful girlfriend of way-too-long, Caludia, and I went to a singles party in Hollywood (James and Claud pretended all night for fun because all our friends were going). It was an absolute blast. 250+ raging hormones all night, booze, dancing, smoking, schmoozing (sp?)... What fun.

And last note-- I may kill my 3rd boss. You know I have 3? The gold-chains boss is about to be the victime of a painful, firey death. I imagine in an alternate universe he could be put to death for a memory like he has. "Where's the statement I gave you?" (the one he put in the file) and "Where is that file I needed this morning?" (the one directly to his left on his desk) You haven't heard anything until you've heard a grown man whine "No it isn't!" or "I did no-ot!"

And don't think for a second he ever admits when he's wrong (which he usually is) or apologizes when he's sorry (I doubt he ever acttually is anyway).

Happy Hump Day.

5:43 P.M. - 02.16.05


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