almost-sane's Diaryland Diary


Turkey Day. Oy.

A sensational long weekend overall!

Possible highlight: My grandma getting smashed after 2 screwdrivers at Thanksgiving dinner. Either that, OR, my ex-con Uncle showing up possibly on some sort of drug. Possible runner up: my Aunt asking me when I was going to bring home a husband for Thanksgiving to add to all this chaos.

When hell freezes over. That's when.

I guess that probably was not the best time to let the whole family in on my whole "never getting married or ever having kids" plan. Mom, not to pleased, asked dad to pass the stuffing. Cheers!

Mind you, I was running on about 3 hours of sleep. The night before, James, Claudia, Matt, Todd, and I had stayed up almost all night drinking, laughing, playing X-Box, eating junk food... I spent the night at Matt & Todd's, and on Thursday morning, James woke us all up early to watch the parade. I could only stay for another hour or so and that's when I had to leave to get read to go to my mom and dad's for Turkey Day.

Which brings us back to the present recap. Joy. Rapture. Drunken slurs.

When I finally fled from the parents' house, I flew back down to the nest. I walked into my apartment to find it a stinky mess. Appauled, I quickly grabbed overnight things and flew out again to go back to my boys.

We spent the night up late again. Matt played guitar and sang for me - he's so good - and I read some comics. God, we really nerd out when we hang out together, don't we?

My parents expected me to come over and spend the day on Friday but I wasn't having any of that. I didn't even get out of bed until 2:00. And only to find Matt still asleep out on the couch. I guess he couldnt sleep and he came out to watch Oceans 11.

Around 4:00, James, Matt, and I went to the Comics store so the boys could restock for a couple weeks. We stopped by my apartment (which was cleaned up a tad, thankfully) so I could deoderize and change at last, and we made dinner plans. We picked up Claudia and went to Elephant Bar.

At some point, I had this terriffic epiphany that it was only Friday and two more days of glory lie ahead. I was basking in the glow of loving my friends and my freedom (even if we had to keep dragging Claudia around, James' annoying girlfriend).

When we got back from yummy, yummy dinner, Caroline had finally turned up with her friend Natasha and a peanut butter pie in tow. Todd really wanted to watch Four Rooms and that sort of got us sucked in for a while and that, unfortunately, killed our Friday night. By the time it was over, it had to be 11:00 and no one felt like going out having just spent all that time parked on the couch. Claudia and I were equally annoyed. We've never agreed so much in our lived but if anyone ever reminds me of this in the future, I'll flatly deny it. I hate liking her so much. It stings! It stings!

But I guess that's a good segue to Saturday. I spent Friday night at my own place and when I woke up Saturday morning, I watched a little Tivo but quickly became restless. I called James and asked what he was doing all day. He whispered something about wanting to play X-Box with Matt but I guess Claud was cramping his style. And what got into me??? I offered to take the she-bitch off his hands for a few hours and go out with her so he could have a "man-day." We went to Cheesecake Factory for a late lunch (not nearly so awful as it's my favorite) and spent a couple hours at Designer Shoe Wherehouse (I can't tell you how much I spent - it's embarassing but I do blame HER). When we got home, James was well rested and happy. On top of that, Claudia needed a nap because shopping exhausts her and I even got some X-Box time in for myself. And we were able to come up with a plan for that night.

Saturday night had SUCH possibility, it's a shame it went to shit.

We met a few friends at La Floridita, a Salsa Dance bar in Hollywood for James' and Claudia's friend's birthday. We got there ony to fidn out Mr. Friend is not coming because he could not find a babysitter. Not only that, no one reserved table and this isn't a place with standing room, so we're forced to stand in crevices and side spots- not meant for this purpose- and it's about as awkward as an adolescent boy at an all-girl's Catholic school dance... Aside from that Jess shows up in her tight red dress and refuses to pay the cover because she looks how she looks and "shouldn't have to." What a scene. The doorman gave her 15 free minutes and then we all left to go to El Carmen.

El Carmen was el disaster. It was fun at first. Abi and Jonathan (friends of Jess') were nice guys although I'm not sure Jon was all there all the time. I sure liked Abi right away but so much for that- he went home with the tight red dress. And then Matt and Todd got piss-obnoxious drunk and stated throwing lime slices at my chest. Always a good time.

The ride home was... Well, at least Matt passed out about halfway through it. Todd sobere dup by the time I dropped them all off and apologized profusely for his behavior. I, of course, accepted. Todd never drinks like that anyway and I was mostly just a spoil-sport because I had to be the sober one all night. Let's be honest.

On Sunday, Claudia demanded James pay attention to just her and spend time away from all of us so they went to see two movies (repeating: she wanted attention so she took him to the MOVIES). I slept late and then went to Target for X-Mas gifts with gay-Matt. Had dinner with Matt, Todd, and Caroline while we watch Rocky I, II, III, and IV. We gave up before we got into V. I had work on Monday, after all! Rather enjoyed them all, though- I'd never seen them before. Not bad.

And that's my not-so-bad-overall-weekend. Oy.

3:09 P.M. - 11.30.04


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