almost-sane's Diaryland Diary


Cradle Robber

"I've got a deal worked out with God. He stays out of my way and I don't take over his kingdom."

Always open with a joke. Courtesy of my friend Rory. He's brilliant.

�Since everyone has their panties in a bunch over being politically correct these days, I've adapted to just calling everyone a commie. Cause everybody hates commies. And if you don't, you're probably a sympathizer. In which case, you must be banished from my presence� or move to Massachusetts. Be gone!"

A quality remark from one of my new favorite diarists, chubbychic. God love her.

Moving right along� I do apologize for my prolonged absence. With Rita (I named it) the cyst at my ever-loving side (literally), I am quite distracted these days and I am trying to stay productive at work, socially, and at home. I also apologize for my crap layout. I am at a stand-off of sorts with diaryland. Over 50 days and counting!!! Tech support question STILL unanswered! What the HELL are they doing over there? And I should pay for a gold membership?

Assholes. Fuck 'em.

And then, for added fun, got the flu. As Casey's priest would say, that was "oodles of fun." I got to skip a day of work and lay about on the couch debating the pros and cons of vomiting at home or laboring over timesheets at my desk... Tough calls all around.

So what have I been up to other than ovarian discomfort and plotting a Communist overtaking of Diaryland, you wonder?

Well, a couple weekends ago I went to a Luau party for my friend Vic�s birthday and met good-looking-Gabe. When I get my gold membership back, you can all have access to agree with me, I swear. And after I got leid at the party, I took Gabe home as a party favor and got laid at my apartment.

And just so you don�t think I�m totally shallow, he�s a sensational person. We spent the whole night attached at the hip. We had so much to talk about. We have tons in common. It�s miraculous. There I was, of course, with one eye over my shoulder�why is this great looking guy with ME all night?

And he CALLED.

A week later, we hooked up again. And if I may borrow the infamous 80's song.. We did it "all night long" my friends. In every direction. The boy is a virtual machine. It was the most amazing sex I have ever had.

So this is what I have been up to. At least I have a good excuse.

I have not heard from Gabe-the-wonder-sexpot for a week but I don't find msyelf the usual mope I would typically be for some reason. Maybe because the sex was so good? Maybe because I am still slightly optimistic? Maybe because I am sympathetic to his busy job? ... Maybe I just expect to be disappointed now and am used to it.

Who gives a fuck.

This past weekend, whilst in flu recovery, I spent Saturday evening at Jen and Kat's watching everyone do saki-bombs and eat sushi (raw fish in my post-fly state? No thank-you). It was a great time. Never underestimate being one of few sober folk in a swarm of drunkards.

Sunday, a friend of mine had a housewarming- same friend who fixed me up with asshole-Adam back in the day. Shark-boy Adam, the magic disappearing act (see cast list and/or archives). And yet again she did not fail to produce some good looking male friends. How does she DO this? On Friday we're all expected to appear at Spencer's block party (the trust fund baby has rented out a city block for his birthday and hired band, etc.) and this guy is the best looking this I've seen all year.

I don't know what comes over me when I am around guys WAY out of my league but someone like Spencer who is a mere 20 going on 21, GORGEOUS, and totally charming? I can flirt with him and say things you would only otherwise hear uttered by Kim Catrall on Sex & the City. Please don't ask me to explain it thoroughly. Maybe it's the lack of fear because I alread expect to be rejected anyway...

So you'll hear me saying things like "Spencer, I'm broed with these people, when are you and I going back to my place already?" or "At this party, will all the boys there be young and good loking like you?"

And my personal favorite (borrowed from a movie) was when he asked me if I always came on like this, I said "No, sometimes, I'm agressive."

Also spent a wee bit of time with Ben. He thought I was "sweet" and "cute" and waited till that night to call my friend and ask if he should ask me out. I found all this very high school and still very sweet so when he IM'd me today at work and asked if he could call me, I said he could and gave him my numbers...

I feel like I'm on a hot streak.

Am inclined to point out at this moment, though that Gabe (22), Spencer (21), Ben (24)? All younger than me (25)...


5:29 P.M. - 09.13.04


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