almost-sane's Diaryland Diary


Drunk Dials, Diets, and Dead Tired

What the hell?

I posted something last week and now it's gone.

You know, I really do hate diaryland. And yet, I come back for more on a regular basis.

Anyhow, I wrote a lovely little description of my car accident but I am not getting into it again. Read my BLOG for more on that.

I am WAY cranky and dead tired today. My sarcasm has reached a new level of dryness today and while it's nice that everyone thinks I'm funny, I am secretly wishing a meteor would come blow up the office building, sparing my life miraculously in the process.

Oh, and my shitty rental car too- so I can go home and curl up in bed.

My weekend was actually rather pleasant. Friday night ranks high on my list of favorites. All I did was catch up on Tivo, watch movies, eat crap, and get fatter by the second on my couch.

Incidentally, my diet has gone to shit these days.

On Saturday, I ran oodles of errands and saw Fever Pitch with my friend, Nichole. I felt remarkably productive. So much so that I had to force my tired ass out of the house for my friend's 30th birthday party that evening. She rented the top floor of a club in Hollywood and it was stupendous. What a spread. My aching back lasted these for only so long. I left around 1 amd caught up with the boys at another bar.

The best was James drunk dialed my parents looking for me. He wanted to invite me to meet them and pressed "send" on the wrong number. My mom and dad thought it was hysterical but James is so sensitive, much more so when he's wasted, and he's still apologizing for the blunder.

On Sunday, I looked at an apartment- my friend Cate needs a roommate. But I didn't care for it and realized I am probably going to be stuck with K. quite a bit longer.

You should see my kitchen! Dishes everywhere! I am going to kill him.

I stayed up later than I should have last night. Something was on HBO that I wanted to see although, not surprisingly, I can't remember what it was now.

So now, I am dead tired. I kept dozing off at my desk this morning and spent the last 15 minutes of my lunch break passed out, head down on the break-room table, drool amassing... Yuck. Right now, I feel like I have to keep eating and drinking ice-cold water to stay awake.

Like I said-- diet has gone straight to hell.

2:47 P.M. - 04.25.05


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