almost-sane's Diaryland Diary


Weekend Updated

Yesterday was a misery. When the weather is nice, I can't sit inside like that. And when I'm in that mood, it baffles me that people would be content to sit around all day. I couldn't sit still. I got so moody last night, I was dying for some isolation at points- anywhere but where I was. Which was totally contradictory to my original desire to be OUT... I'm so confusing.

Well anyway, Friday night, I went to dinner and the same ol' bar... It seemed like a fun idea to go back to Matt & Todd's after. My crush on Matt may come and go but right now it's "come" so, naturally, I try to get in "Matt time" when I can. Matt gets home from work at 4am (he's a night logger on a reality TV show) and we wanted to wait up for him (worth it- Matt and I had this phenomenal conversation about Shakespeare and theatre).

I don't know when I fell asleep on the couch but I know I woke up around 2:00 the next afternoon. Oops!

So we got "lunch" and all the errands I'd wanted to run on Saturday went to shit. But lunch was great. It was a perfect day to sit outside and smoke and chat.

I've been looking forward to Girls Night all week and us three newly-bonded musketeers had a great time. If anyone wants the best recipe ever for pasta sauce, you gotta dial my friend Nichole. You want eye-makeup tips, I submit you call Becky. And if you wanna laugh and relax and have a good time, these ladies make excellent company. We had so much fun drinking wine, cooking, laughing, talking about everyone behind their backs. Sensational. Excellent deserts.

And yeah, Sunday was the day the wind died for me. I was riding so high after such a fun weekend, I wanted to be out. The weather didn't really permit me and my friends to follow through with our plans of cruising PCH and getting drinks on the beach, but I was really hoping I could drum up someone to go out to dinner with. So I was very much the antsy-pantsy last night. Like I said, couldn't sit still, and I found myself feeling lethargic. By the time we put a movie on, a film I'm quite sure is very, very funny, I couldn't even find laughter in me for the majority of it. Pity.

I always hated the expression "case of the Mondays," but today sure is turning out to be another BLAH day. And I have this nagging feeling I am forgetting to do something I am supposed to do today. I HATE THAT.

12:37 P.M. - 03.14.05


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