almost-sane's Diaryland Diary


Jewish Christmas

Did I tell you I got a new car? I did! I did! It's silvery blue, it has that fabulous new car smell, and in the great tradition of naming my cars after X-Men (bite me, I am a HUGE nerd), her name is "Emma Frost."

I'm in love with my car. Can you be in love with a car? I thought I was in love with my new hat and shirt Myra gave me for Christmas but after much serious thought decided it was really more of an innocent crush and I had to let them down easy. Oh sure, there were tears and there was heart-ache, but we get over these things as we always do. After all, I still go home to my MOGU pillows every night and we used to be quite intimate...

I know, you're quite frightened. Don't worry, it's mostly in jest. Mostly. ;)

On Thursday, we all sang a variartion of "O Holy Night" in the office. Something like "O Holy Night, I don't have to work in the morning...!" and at 6:00 it was like the last day of school. Which is ridiculous really because we have three-day weekends every now and then, don't we? But I've been really basking in the Christmas spirit this year.

Here is a bit of advice for everyone for next year, by the way: ENOUGH WITH THE SOAP! Seriously, kids, I have enough Bath & Body Works, Body Shop, Solace Spa, and other relaxation lotions, make-up thingers, and otherwises to last me a lifetime. I'll be regifting it to every girlfriend I have until thy kingdome come. Should you need some creative generic gift ideas, try a book, a magazine subscription, a beanie baby, a buddha plant, a funky necklace... I dunno. Just, seriously, no more soap!

Well Thursday was Evan's birthday so I went to my folks' house and we pissed around there a bit before going out for dinner. Then we came home and played a family game of Scrabble. Oh sure, sounds dull to you but Scrabble is quite the serious bit in my house. I've beaten my father all of once in my lifetime and for once, all four of us were playing (mom never plays) and I was determined to beat them all.

So I did beat my mom and dad, but in a shocking turn, Evan beat me by a mere 2 points. And only because he put all his tiles down first and got my last 2 tiles added onto his total. Entirely unfair.

Friday night, my friend Valerie and I had an uneventful "Jew Night Out" for Christmas Eve. We went to Jerry's Deli and purged ourselves on cheeseburgers, fries, and onion rings (and dinner salads- they make us feel like we're being healthy) and then we saw Sideways, which I really liked.

I was really looking forward to Christmas Day because it would be the first I'd get to spend with family. My cousin Marlene married into Catholocism. So her daughter's Jess, & Lindz, whom I grew up with, always celebrated Easter, XMas, etc. and I was always jealous. And Marlene's husband's sister is a caterer to the star's, of sorts. So she and her partner have this tremendous house. And I'm not technically related to these people, but I've befriended their daughter and Jess likes me to be around so I get invited to a lot of things these days. It was warm and happy and they had a lovely gift for me (so nice of them) and the decorations were incredible (they have professionals do it). They have it catered (by their own company) and we get served (they get their own people to work) and we eat with REAL silver. You wouldn't believe this shit. Who has 3 trees in their house? When everyone had left, we curled up under blankets and watched movies and drank spiked Eggnog. Who invented eggnog, I wonder? And why can we only drink it at Christmas?

On Sunday, I slept late and joined my cousins and "not-cousins" for dinner at The Palm. You gotta love how people with money live. For my household, going to The Palm is a special ocassion. For them, it's another dinner. For no reason. And I didn't wanna impose, I tried to graciously decline, but they wanted me to join them. And there I was, part of this $200 meal, being introduced to the V.P. of the Dodgers who was sitting at a nearby table, telling him I thought this and thought that, and him laughing at my jokes... I was never so glad to be a baseball nut.

This was the very first time I'd celebrated Christmas and I don't think it's really supposed to be this way, but I rather enjoyed it. I came home tonight and I curled up, alone of course (K. is out of town), and watched some Tivo, drank just water, and enjoyed our Christmas tree, my very first, like I have been doing every night all week.

So I'm Jewish, but fuck it, I can still appreciate the other side of things. And I don't feel the least bit guilty. Tis the season.

9:27 A.M. - 12.27.04


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