almost-sane's Diaryland Diary


Bad, Baby! Bad!

Fear not, faint of heart, for I shall return soon!

I am off! It's time for my vacation at last. I am so excited, I can hardly sit still. On Saturday, Matt & Nichole are getting married in Jersey (I am flying in Friday) and then on Sunday, I am going into Manhattan so I can spend a week with Casey and all of my friends. Maybe I'll make some time to see my family.

I'm so bad.

It's not without a little sadness that I say good-bye to Matt as a bachelor. I mean, I don't imagine he'll be much different, but even he knows about my repressed crush on him and how well we get along. It's insane. But I'm not about to object or anything. The two of them deserve each other, of course.

After I get back from NY, I'll be in LA for 2 days before I take off for Texas to see Leasa get married.

You don't know what this means to me. This has been a most unique friendship and now I am going to see her get married?! I saw her graduate college and now get married?! BIZARRE-O. And miraculous. And... well, WOW.

Congratulations, Leasa. I won't get into it here- she reads this journal and she'll get it from me in the fabulous card I found just last night (I had one I liked okay, but last night I found a better one).

And in other non-wedding-type-news, I am still semi-dating Ben. The boy has no time for a social life with his strange job. He must be the busiest salesman this side of... ANYWHERE, but if you call takling online every day and on the phone ALMOST every day, we're sort of dating. We've only actually been out 3 times and I certainly won't sleep with him.

And in the meantime, I went home with this guy from a party last weekend...

The bad continues...!

Hey, his nipples were pierced and I was intrigued. How often do I get an opportunity to see that, right?

Bite me. Stop judging!

Alright, alright. Anyway, I just wanted to pop by and let you know I hadn't died of a chronic illness or thrown myself off a building in a pathetic cry for help. I am alive and well and thoroughly enjoying life. I am inahling men and spitting them out like candy (not really), despising work like the plague, and looking forward to my trip as though it were the i-ching of...

I'm so bad.

2:26 P.M. - 10.07.04


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